Evolve Mortgages

A total re-design and build.

Our job

Full web design & build with custom calculators & file upload system.


The brief

Evolve had recently undergone a rebrand at the early part of 2022, they approached us to design a brand new website for them – they had one requirement, it needed to be pink.

The website is client facing so needed to reflect their brand, but it also needed to serve a purpose. We added a variety of services page showcasing what they can offer, but we also added some more interactive functionality to boost engagement whilst also providing the user with more value.

These were a custom repayment calculator and a file upload area for the quick transfer of files, we discuss them further below.

Reflecting the brand and serving a purpose. This is the homepage, the first page anyone sees when visiting the evolve site. You can immediately tell who’s website it is and what it’s about – due to the colour scheme, terminology & imagery.

There’s also an immediate call to action for the user, request a call back, which helps direct traffic to the goal – generating leads.

Service pages. We created a unique page for each service; there’s a few reasons it’s good to do this. Firstly, it allows you to explain the service in depth and it’s clear for the user to navigate. Also, we can no optimise this individual page for a specific term which in this case is ‘first time buyer mortgages’ improving our chances of ranking highly in the search results page (SERPs) and generating organic traffic.

A major pain point for many businesses, but in particular, mortgage brokers – is time. A lot of time is consumed when the broker and client have a constant back and forth transferring documents, then there’s also the risk of deleting the emails or them being seen by foreign eyes. We decided to create a file upload system, where clients can login, upload their documents to the website within their own private folder, which are then automatically sent and stored the Evolve’s OneDrive.

Users come to a website to learn something or to find out more information on a certain topic. If you visit Evolve’s website, chances are – you’re interested in a mortgage. We decided to create a custom calculator that tells users exactly how much a mortgage would cost them based on what their budget is. There’s not need to enter personal information as it’s not a lead form, it’s simply there to be a tool for the users on the site and allow the website to serve it’s purpose – providing value to potential clients.