Customer agreement with Social Blueprints

By submitting the following form you agree to the terms and conditions of Social Blueprints.

The customer agrees to the following terms of Social Blueprints. Social Blueprints is Lewis Hayes trading as Social Blueprints.
The arrangement you have entered with Social Blueprints over your chosen method of communication with them is confirmed by the submission of this form. If you have paid a deposit to Social Blueprints, this deposit payment is non-refundable, the % amount of the deposit will be deducted from the total bill and the outstanding amount will be collected on completion of the project. If the project fails to complete for any reason other than of Social Blueprints, the deposit will not be returned. Furthermore, as a service provider, Social Blueprints complete large amounts of work on your behalf in order for a project to be completed. If the client fails to provide important and/ or necessary information that is pivotal to the completion of the project, they end the agreement early, or the agreed project can no longer be completed due to no fault of Social Blueprints; then the work completed in the build up to this will be invoiced in a pro rata manner determined by Social Blueprints. For example, if a client enters an agreement with Social Blueprints to complete a website for an agreed amount of £1,000. Social Blueprints complete the design phase of the project then the client decides to cancel the agreement. As the design process is 50% of the entire project, an invoice of 50% of the agreed £1,000 amount (£500) will be issued to the client. The default criteria that is used as a benchmark for this process is the following: If a website design has been completed then at least 50% of the total agreed amount with be billed for. In a design project, if initial designs have been provided by Social Blueprints and the agreement ends, at least 50% of the total agreed amount will be billed. By submitting this form you are agreeing in full to the terms and conditions mentioned above.