Paid marketing to increase traffic and sales.

I had no idea where to start with a website, I give them a few ideas and they did the rest.

Sheffield Money, 2022.

Strategic online advertising to increase your web traffic and ulitmatley your conversions.

Once you have website in place it can be quite easy to sit back and wait for the customers to come flocking. But unfortunately in today’s climate that’s not how it works.

The web is an incredibly competitive space and having a website is simply no longer enough. You need to get in front of your target audience as and when they’re searching for your products or services.

We can help you do just that.

Discover your options

There’s two routes we can venture down, either paid social or PPC (pay per click) on Google. Whichever option we opt for will depend on certain factors; budget, comptetiveness, where your target demographic is, what stage of the buying process your target audience is at and more – all of which we will discuss during an initial consultation.

Paid social media

Paid social is an interruptive form of digital marketing. You’re targeting your audience when they’re scrolling their news feed and not necessarily in a transactional mainframe. So it’s important to figure out who you’re audience is and segment them into different demographics.

This allows us then to target their behaviours, interests, age ranges, and other indetifiers; which enables us to create highly personal content that they can resonate with and engage with.

Paid social can also be an incredible re-marketing tool. People who have visited your website can be retargeted on Facebook or instagram with a promotional offer or something along those lines.

The applications are vast, so it’s important we discuss your situation and objectives to tailor a plan for you.


PPC or Pay Per Click is a form of online advertising carried out on Google where your advert is shown in the search results page and your budget is only consumed each time a user clicks on your advert.

We need to research your industry and identify the most optimal keywords that contain both research intent and transactional intent.

The difference between the two types of phrases is that ‘transactional’ will lead to a greater ROI as the user has the intention to make a purchase or complete whatever your conversion metric may be.

We create landing pages and adverts optimised to the specific keywords that we have selected, ensuring the user is seeing what they searched for. We can also implement geo targeting strategies for specific locations. 

On an ongoing basis we will monitor the data and continue to review, amend and implement practices to maintain and improve the results we’re generating.

We’ve just summarised and barely touched the surface of these marketing activities, but hopefully it will give you an understanding of how they work and what we can expect.

For a personalised proposal where will explore your current marketing and analyse your industry and competition. 

Send a project enquiry and we can go from there!

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Let's cut to the chase.

Our digital marketing services start from just a few hundred pounds per month, but we can discuss that in more detail once we understand your objectives and situation.