Armstrong Priestley

A complete web redesign/ build and implementation of SEO campaign.

Our job

Website design and development and creation of a brand new online presecence for a leading UK company.


The brief

Armstrong Priestley are the UK’s leading fire sprinkler contractor, they design, build, install and maintain fire sprinklers for some of the UK’s largest companies such as Next. Their website was out of date and they were nowhere to be found on the Google Search Results Page; which for a company of their size – shouldn’t be the case.

AP needed a complete web redesign which emphasised the size and market authority that the company has. People need to know when they visit the client’s site, that they’re the UK’s leading contractor.

The next step was the SEO campaign, fire sprinklers are mandatory as part of an insurance policy – so we know the traffic is there, so our job is ensuring they’re seen by those users.

This first section is where you land on the homepage. We filmed in-house drone footage to show the scale of the operation at Armstrong Priestley. With a clear navigation menu and an emphasis on their years in the industry, users are immediately forced to know who Armstrong Priestley are, and what they do.

An area of huge importance for the client was the ability to showcase their previous and ongoing projects. Due to the fact that the people searching already know what they need and that by law, they must have it, the main decoding factor when choosing which company to use – would be reputation.

By creating an area on the website to showcase some of the impressive work they have done and are continuing to do – it helps boost Armstrong Priestley’s authority within the market to the user.

The clear layout and the ability to filter by industry improves the UX of the site, by making it easier for prospective customers to find what they want.

As mentioned in the brief, our client was nowhere to be seen on Google for their relevant search terms, until we introduced them to SEO.

After conducting extensive keyword research, we found the highest traffic and most applicable keywords and built a strategy around them. After months of continuous work, Armstrong Priestley are now by far the most recognisable Fire Sprinkler company on the web, in the UK.

From not showing up at all, to now ranking for 40+ keywords – it’s no surprise that their traffic has soared.

We’ve seen a 50,000% + increase in monthly traffic from the outset. At first glance, that seems ludicrous. However, from having just a handful of users in a month before started work; and now seeing months with 1000+ users. Those numbers are true.