Legacy Financial

Building a custom website for an established financial company.

Our job

A bespoke website design + development, with custom application


The brief

Legacy Financial is a mortgage advice and financial planning firm based in Barnsley, South Yorkshire.

They required a bespoke website that would portray their brand ethos of ‘building a legacy’, follow their brand guidelines, provide users with everything they could need in a simple manner and also required some custom application creation to provide added value to their users.

The first page you land on when visiting Legacy is their homepage. Straight away you can see the brand colours of green and black and background imagery conveying their main point of legacy. The headline is also important because within 5 words, users can understand exactly what the company and website is about and if they want to proceed further.

The two call to actions, the first being a button and the second being invited to scroll, encourage interaction from the users which is the fundamental thing you should want to achieve after attracting traffic to your website.

You’ll see here one of many service pages, their sole purpose being to explain a specific product or service to users in a clear and simple way. You can also see  the cursor hovering over the nav bar which is highlighting a range of the other service pages. A major goal of a website is to provide users with as much information as you can to help them in their research phase.

Seeing as Legacy is a financial company, a lot of people may be unaware as to what certain things mean or what exactly they need assistance with. That’s why it’s vital to have a well structured and clear pages explaining everything to them.

Legacy Financial wanted to provide as much value and assistance to their existing and potential clients by including a number of calculators that allow people to, calculate their affordability and/ or receive an estimate on a monthly mortgage payment.

The calculator was created through the use of a custom HTML form, JS functions and custom CSS to ensure the strict branding guidelines are followed.

The final section of the website we wish to showcase is the appointment scheduling area. The desired outcome of people using site and almost every other website out there is to convert new visitors into clients. Having an area where people can request to speak to an expert in a small number of clicks makes the process very efficient and simple for users to navigate, further increasing the chances of conversion.